Acme Little Cleo Glow Series

Regular price $4.75

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Works fantastic for Catching Salmon, Steelhead, Trout, etc. 

Glow Series works especially well at capturing the fish's attention in low-light conditions

All others reflect light and create flash underwater


One of the original, time tested, most trusted Spoons in the industry.


Trusted for over 70 years


"The unique hump-backed shape of Little Cleo results in a seductive, wiggling action as the lure is drawn through the water." - Acme


 The illusion created is one of a fat baitfish, acting in an erratic, confused manner. This odd behavior triggers the predatory nature of the gamefish, who strike out of curiosity and anger, as well as hunger.


Spoons are available in a variety of sizes/colors.                                                                All Little Cleo spoons come with split ring/hook attached